Hey guys, they have changed the look of the blog format since I last posted. So I hope this comes out alright.
As you can see it has been some time since I posted on the blog. The reason is I have been working graveyard hours and that made it difficult to get out and see things. I refuse to say it is because of age, it was the hours. At any rate I was able to land a new job that is daytime hours like normal people. So now I work Mon-Fri, 9-5, (more or less), like normal people. This is amazing. I sleep normal hours without foil on my windows! The hours I used to get up and start my day, I now have completed my day and am ready to slow down. The real blessing with this life-change is that I can go on weekends to places and bird! We are even talking about taking a vacation in the fall to Cape May New Jersey for the Hawkwatch. I can't wait. This is one of those perfect vacations as it is a wonderful birding experience, my wife has a friend that lives in New Jersey as well as Atlantic City is close by. Something for everyone!
So, I wanted to catch up on some of the activities we have been able to do since I turned my life around to the diurnal lifestyle. My 'old' boss at the casino, George Palomares was terrific both as a boss and when I gave notice. He allowed me to take a full week off as part of my two week notice to recover and get ready to start my new job as Program Manager for the Criminal Justice Program at the University of Phoenix. I have been there two weeks now and love it. The hours are better as discussed above, and no one has started a fight or been obnoxiously drunk since I started. It is truly a new experience for me.
Yesterday Nancy and I were able to get away for the morning to Little Morongo/Covington Park for a little birding. We set out from the parking lot, picked a trail and meandered along. I was confidently carrying my camera over my shoulder with my binoculars on my shoulder harness. Chic stuff for the birding world, by the way. We met Wayne and Karen who had driven out from Orange County to bird Little Morongo. We talked a bit about what to expect and where to find it. They were nice folks and seemed excited to get on their own personal adventure. We let them and began again our short journey, catching up on the local gossip as we went.

I love old dead snags and snarled and twisted trees, particularly when they are framed in a beautiful background. I was able to snap a shot of this burned tree that was surrounded by all the new growth and capped by a brilliant blue sky. This resonated with me as the essence of hope. No matter what happens, life goes on and as long as we keep striving for the blue sky it can't all be bad. (Ok, so much for my right brained side, I will get back to the facts now). We finished to perimeter trail and went back toward the activity room to try to find some Orioles, but instead found Dee Zeller, camp host, working on a watering problem. We said hi to him and returned to the entrance. There we sat down and looked up the birds we saw on our hike and watched the birds working their feeders. We saw Anna's and Costa's Hummingbirds, American Goldfinches, a Hooded Oriole, (Icterus cucullatus), a Black Headed Grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus), as well as the House Finches and Sparrows and Starlings. All in all life is really good now.
There have been so many blessings, not the least of which has been the opportunities to go birding and share with friends and family the things found while out there. I look forward to sharing more trips, both short half day trips and more vacation-esque like the Cape May trip planned for the fall. You can bet I will make sure my battery is charged on future outings, though.
Now, you might be a bird nerd if... you get up early on your weekend and put on your wide-brimmed floppy hat to go look for birds!
See you out there!!